NLP Coach training in India


Those who are new to NLP training will have a dilemma of plenty: who is the right NLP trainer, which NLP Coach training in India to attend, which program has good course content, the difference between various NLP programs, the difference between NLP Practitioner and NLP Coach etc.

I was there once, and no wonder those who want to explore NLP have the same dilemmas. Probably more in magnitude due to Social Media, Digital marketing, and search engine results. There was a time (especially from an Indian context) when it was difficult to spot an NLP trainer, and now it has become difficult to spot an authentic NLP trainer amongst NLP trainers :-)

Beware of the tag ‘NLP Trainer’ used by many. Some of them are not even trained, and certified, but are busy doing NLP training programs. Some have been doing this fraud for such a long time, showcase so many image galleries, reviews, etc to look very authentic. This has been a constant problem in the NLP world.

Let me bring your attention to an even worse situation, as that can impact you if you are looking to learn NLP from a Coaching perspective.

Many NLP programs especially the traditional classic NLP programs were/are more therapeutic. They were about exploring self, self goals, beliefs, personal excellence, enhancing communication, etc. And over a period of time different trainers (so-called NLP ones), added their own version of NLP into it. Yoga and NLP (If you are Yoga expect, please stick to Yoga), NLP and body rhythm (Dancing NLP), NLP and paint therapy, Spiritual Yoga, Relaxing NLP, Eating & Drinking NLP (Oops, in short destination NLP and agenda are only eating and drinking, not on learning). Individually, there is nothing wrong with Yoga, Spirituality, Dancing, and taking a vacation (Eating and Drinking), but when it is mixed unnecessarily with a learning agenda, then the mix is not going to serve the learners agenda to learn. I have been to some of those mixes in my early days of NLP, and from a learning NLP perspective, the programs had nothing much to offer. My search to learn from the best took me to the real NLP trainers, and right to the source of NLP, where the focus during the NLP training program is on learning NLP not on extra additional activities: Here are some of those time wasters that you may see in training agenda ~ forced daily nature walks and treks, morning group workouts, shop visits, meeting locals, forced evening participant get together (no agenda), and many others. This is an agenda for a great holiday, but from a learning perspective, it has nothing to offer, considering people are spending money to learn the application of NLP for coaching.

If you are going to learn NLP from an application perspective, and more so from a self-coaching, and how to coach others perspective, then during the program the attention needs to be on NLP concepts, coaching fundamentals, models of coaching, and how to use them in coaching. The NLP Coach training program agenda cannot be loosely defined on other things, they are called eyewash programs with feel-good factors for the participants. You want to feel good, then engage in those activities alone, not as an add-on to the training. For real NLP Coach Training in India, programs stick with training agenda around training, not around adventure or holiday. Make sure to become a great coach, your attention should not be only on the best NLP training in India that has to be attended, but, on your own self, and how much courage, dedication, and willingness you can demonstrate to make this coach profession happen for you.

To become an effective coach a person has to practice, practice, and practice. During any program you will learn the content from a knowledge and understanding perspective, to convert that into a skill, a person has to continue practicing post the program regularly. Most participants don’t spend enough time on coaching post the program, so the skill never gets developed, and eventually, the knowledge and understanding also fade away.

If you intend to become a coach, more specifically a behavioral coach, someone who uses NLP, EI, Neuroscience to coach, then make sure that you are ready to learn during the class. Keep yourself relatively free during those days to be in a learning state, and also make sure that you have planned time for coaching practice post the program. It takes time to develop a skill. There is no magic to develop overnight NLP skills magically✨



Vikram Dhar (Founder NLP Coaching Academy)

Vikram Dhar, award-winning NLP Trainer and Coach, rated as the best NLP Trainer in India / Asia. (Website: